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Movie Reviews
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Here's some reviews on some of the movies that I have watched lately.

12/5/05- Herbie Fully Loaded- A must see if you like comedy moives

12/5/05-Love Comes Softly-A great must see moive but be sure to keep tissues near by.

12/5/05-Loves Enduring Promise-Great part 2 to Love comes softly.

12/5/05-Extreme Days- A must see for  all of the teens that read this.
12/12/05- Radio- On a scale of 1-10 an 11.

12/12/05- Love Note- A great sad Movie.
2/2/06-  Left Behind 3- A great squeal to the first two.
3/08/06- Flightplan- Awsome on the edge of your seat thriller.
3/30/06- Batman Begins-  cool look into how Bruce Wyane becomes Batman.
3/30/06- Batman and Robin-  Another great Batman movie.
3/30/06-  Ice Castles-  A great movie about following your dreams
3/30/06- Little Women-   A great movie about family and love
3/30/06- You're got mail-  Great romamtic comdey
3/30/06- The Boys Next Door-  A great look into the lives of five mentally handicaped men and their helper.
3/30/06- Spiderman-  A great look on how Peter Parker became Spiderman.
3/30/06- Spiderman2-  The con't adventures of Spiderman
3/30/06- National Treasure-   Great adventure with history
4/26/06-  Narnia- A great movie with a wonderful disply of the truth.
4/26/06- Sleepless in Seatle-  another great romantic comdey
4/26/06- Daddy Daycare- Great movie about how dads would run a daycare
5/22/06-  Just in Time-  A great movie about a nanny
5/22/06-  The Ride-   A movie about a washed up old cowboy.
5/22/06-  A vow to Cherish - A sad movie about love.
5/22/06-  The Climb- A movie about a show off mountain climber and his christian friend.
6/2/06- The Perfect Man- Yet another great romantic movie.
6/10/06- Cheaper by the Dozen-  A comdey about having 12 kids
6/12/06- Love's Long Journey- A great 3rd part to Love comes softly and Love's Enduring promise
6/28/06- Red Eye- A great thriller!
7/3/06- Glory Road- A great movie about the first black basketball players
7/3/06- Remember the Titans- A great movie about the first black football players
7/5/06- The Champion- A movie about a former champion boxer. Great mix of action and romance.
8/16/06-  A Walk to Remeber- A movie a spunky preachers daughter.
9/5/06- Shaggy Dog-  All I've gotta say is LOL

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